Annual Book Sale - 2024
Douglas County Library Friends and Foundation's Annual Used Book Sale
We'd like to announce another successful book sale!
Our four day sale in early August grossed over $10,000!!
We could not do this without all of the volunteers who whork throughout the year at the monthly book sorts and and the quick set up that happens prior to the sale. Thanks to each and every one of you.
And thank you to everyone in the community that continues to donate their used books to this endeavor.
An anonymous person donated two king size quilts to be raffled off. Tickets were on sale since early 2024 and were sold during the Annual Book Sale.
Raffle ticket sales netted over $1,100.
Winners of the quilts:
Rhonda Jones & Barb Lanigan
Winning ticket numbers: 242 & 172
Thank you to our anonymous donor for this additional income.
All money we raise is used to fund programming and other needs of the Douglas County Library.